23 %

Chromosome Analysis, Cord Blood

93 Ratings

Rs 3,200 Rs 4,160

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  • Free and On Schedule Sample Collection
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  • Quick and Accurate Reports

4 mL (2 mL min.) Cord blood in 1 Green Top (Sodium Heparin) tube. Avoid clot formation during sampling. Ship refrigerated immediately. DO NOT FREEZE. Specimen must reach within 24 hrs. Test is recommended between 18-20 weeks of gestation. Provide gestational age of patient. Duly filled Form G, Chromosome & FISH Analysis Requisition form & Consent form for Prenatal genetic testing is mandatory. Samples shall be accepted only from registered genetics clinics under PCPNDT Act.

Culture, Microscopy, Karyotype

10 days

Test is recommended between 18-20 weeks of gestation. Provide gestational age of patient. Duly filled Form G, Chromosome & FISH Analysis Requisition form & Consent form for Prenatal genetic testing is mandatory. Samples shall be accepted only from registered genetics clinics under PCPNDT Act.

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