Rs 2,181 Rs 1,640
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A lead, random urine test measures the amount of lead present in a urine sample. Lead is a toxic metal that can accumulate in the body over time, causing serious health problems. This test is used to assess exposure to lead, monitor the effectiveness of chelation therapy (a treatment for lead poisoning), and screen individuals at risk, such as children, pregnant women, and those working in lead-related industries.
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Free and On Schedule Sample Collection
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Quick and Accurate Reports
10 mL (5 mL min.) aliquot of random Urine collected in an acid washed (metal free) container kit available from TrueMedix. Ship refrigerated or frozen. Use powderless gloves during specimen collection. If Gadolinium or Iodine containing contrast media has been administered, the specimen should not be collected for 96 hours.
1 day
If Gadolinium or Iodine containing contrast media has been administered, specimen should not be collected for 96 hours.