3 mL (1.5 mL min.) Serum from 1 SST. Serum sample to be drawn between 8-10 am in a fasting condition. Allow blood to clot. Separate serum and freeze within 30 minutes AND 3 mL (1 mL min.) Whole blood in 1 Lavender Top (EDTA) tube. Ship refrigerated. DO NOT FREEZE AND 15 mL (10 mL min.) aliquot of first morning or random Urine in a sterile screw capped container. First morning specimen of urine is preferred. Record patients age, gender and height on test request form. Hemolysed samples not acceptable..
2 hours',pre_test_info=serum sample to be drawn between 8-10 am in a fasting condition. First morning specimen of urine is preferred. Record patients age, gender and height on test request form.
First morning urine is the preferred sample. Record patients age, gender and height on test request form.