122 Ratings

Rs 2,340 Rs 1,800

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The Zinc, Random Urine test measures the amount of zinc present in a randomly collected urine sample. Zinc is an essential mineral involved in various bodily functions, including immune system support, wound healing, and protein synthesis. Abnormal zinc levels, either deficiency or excess, can indicate underlying health conditions. This test helps assess zinc status and identify potential imbalances that may require further investigation or medical intervention.

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  • Free and On Schedule Sample Collection
  • 24/7 Service
  • Affordable
  • Quick and Accurate Reports

10 mL (5 mL min.) aliquot of random Urine collected in an acid washed (metal free) container available from TrueMedix. Ship refrigerated or frozen. Patients should avoid sea/fresh water fish 3 days prior to specimen collection. Use powderless gloves during specimen collection. If Gadolinium or Iodine containing contrast media has been administered, the specimen should not be collected for 96 hours.


1 day

Patients should avoid sea/ fresh water fish 3 days prior to specimen collection. If Gadolinium or Iodine containing contrast media has been administered, specimen should not be collected for 96 hours.

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